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You can return your products within 30 days from receiving them (with some exceptions below). To process a return please see the Return Section on the Website.

We cannot process returns or refunds for products that have been personalised or customised as these have been manufactured specifically for you. We only accept returns or refunds on customised orders when products or embellishments are faulty.

In the unfortunate case that your items are faulty, we may ask you to provide us with pictures before we can process the resend or refund. Where possible please do not include any personal data in any of your pictures provided for us to review your faulty items.

You can return your order within 30 days from receiving your products. To process a return please follow the next steps:

  1. Visit our returns centre:
  2. Enter your order number and email address
  3. Follow the instructions and select the items you want to return
  4. Once your request is approved, you will get a confirmation email with shipping guidelines

If you have any problem, please contact with our customer service at:

Our Customer Services team provides support between 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

If your item is defective or faulty and it's been less than 30 days since your purchase, simply choose one of the options above to return the item. If it's been more than 30 days since your purchase, please contact us at

Upon reception at our warehouse, we'll process your return and issue a refund to your original form of payment, usually within two to five business days. We'll send you an email to let you know we've issued the refund - it may take up to 10 additional days for the funds to show in your account.

Please contact with our customer service email: