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Country/region specific use terms


If you live in one of the following countries or regions these additional terms apply and override any inconsistent terms in the Terms of Use.


Section 3 (POSTING CONTENT ON THE PLATFORM): the first bullet point paragraph under sub-section “USER CONTENT LICENSE” is deleted and replaced with the following:

“You grant Nike Team Sport a non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, worldwide license to display the User Content that you post on or in connection with the Platform and to share it with other Users, including the right to translate, display, reproduce, modify, create derivative works of, sublicense and distribute the User Content.

For example, we need these rights so we can copy your User Content into our databases, display it in the correct format across our mobile applications, and send your User Content to vendors who perform services on Nike Team Sport’s behalf.”

Section 10 (DISPUTES/ADDITIONAL TERMS): this section is modified as follows:

The sub-section titled “CHOICE OF LAW/JURISDICTION” is hereby deleted and replaced with the following (except the last bullet point regarding bringing claims, which remains unchanged):

Choice of Law/Jurisdiction

  • You agree that the Platform, Terms, Privacy Policy and any dispute between you and Nike Team Sport shall be governed in all respects by Argentine law.”


Section 7 (IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS): this section is modified as follows:

The sub-section titled “WARRANTY DISCALIMER” is modified by adding the following:

“However, the Platform, Content, and the materials and products on this Platform come with certain guarantees that cannot be excluded for the benefit of Australian customers under Australian consumer law (“ACL”), including guarantees as to the acceptable quality and fitness of purpose of products. Nothing in these Terms will be read or applied so as to exclude, restrict or modify or have the effect of excluding, restricting or modifying any condition, warranty, guarantee, right or remedy implied by the ACL and which by law cannot be excluded, restricted or modified, even if any other term of these Terms would otherwise suggest that this might be the case.”


Section 10 (DISPUTES/ADDITIONAL TERMS): this section is modified as follows:

The sub-section titled “CHOICE OF LAW/JURISDICTION” is deleted and replaced with the following:

“Choice of Law/Jurisdiction

  • You agree that the Platform, Terms, Privacy Policy and any dispute between you and Nike Team Sport shall be governed in all respects by Brazilian law, without regard to the choice of law provisions, and not by the 1980 U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
  • Except where prohibited, you agree that all disputes, claims and legal proceedings directly or indirectly arising out of or relating to the Platform (including but not limited to the purchase of Nike Team Sport products) shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively in Brazil.”


Introductory Paragraph:

The section titled “Our Terms May Change” is qualified by the following:

“(a) Nike Team Sport must send to you, at least 30 days before the amendment comes into force, a written notice drawn up clearly and legibly, setting out the new clause and the date of the coming into force of the amendment; and

(b) you may refuse the amendment and rescind or, in the case of a contract involving sequential performance, cancel the contract without cost, penalty or cancellation indemnity by sending Nike Team Sport a notice to that effect no later than 30 days after the amendment comes into force, if the amendment entails an increase in your obligations or a reduction in Nike Team Sport’s obligations.”

MULTIPLE SECTIONS: The terms set forth in the sections titled “Warranty Disclaimer”, “Indemnification/Limitation of Liability”, and “Limitation of Liability” are qualified by the following:

“Consumer protection laws in some jurisdictions, including Quebec, do not allow for the limitations and exclusions of warranties on purchased products. If these laws apply to you, the exclusions or limitations in the following sections may not apply: Warranty Disclaimer, Indemnification/Limitation of Liability, and Limitation of Liability.”

SECTION 10 (DISPUTES/ADDITIONAL TERMS): this section is modified as follows:

The sub-section titled “CHOICE OF LAW/JURISDICTION” is modified by adding the following at the beginning of the section:

“Consumer protection laws in some jurisdictions, such as Quebec, might require that your agreement be governed by the laws of your jurisdiction and heard by competent courts in your jurisdiction. In addition, such laws may not allow you to waive your right to be part of a class action or to limit your time limitation to commence legal proceedings. If these laws apply to you, the following limitations may not be applicable."


Section 3 (POSTING CONTENT ON THE PLATFORM): the sub-section titled “USER CONTENT LICENSE” is modified as follows:

The first bullet point paragraph under USER CONTENT LICENSE is deleted and replaced with the following:

“You grant Nike Team Sport a non-exclusive, indefinite, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any of the User Content that you post on or in connection with the Platform, including the likeness of any person that appears in the User Content, or any of the concepts or ideas contained in the User Content, for any purpose, including commercial use, which includes the right to translate, display, reproduce, modify, create derivative works, sublicense, distribute and assign these rights.”

Section 3 (POSTING CONTENT ON THE PLATFORM): the sub-section titled “LICENSE TO USE COMMENTS, FEEDACK AND IDEAS” is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

“AUTHORISATION TO USE COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND IDEAS.  You grant to Nike Team Sport an indefinite, worldwide authorization to use all comments, feedback and ideas you may share with us, without notice, compensation or acknowledgement to you, for any purposes whatsoever, including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products and services and creating, modifying or improving products and services.”



Section 10 (DISPUTES/ADDITIONAL TERMS): this section is replaced with the version for European Countries below, except the following is added at the end:

“All claims shall be brought within three (3) years after the claim arises.”


Section 3 (POSTING CONTENT ON THE PLATFORM): this section is modified as follows:

The first bullet point paragraph under the sub-section titled “USER CONTENT LICENSE” is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

“You grant Nike Team Sport a non-exclusive, perpetual (or at least for the duration of the legal protection of the intellectual property rights/image rights which may lie in the User Content), transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any of the User Content that you post on or in connection with the Platform, including the likeness of any person that appears in the User Content, or any of the concepts or ideas contained in the User Content, for any purpose, including commercial, promotional and operational use, which includes the right to translate, display, reproduce, modify, create derivative works, sublicense, distribute and assign these rights.”

The sub-section titled “LICENSE TO USE COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND IDEAS” is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

“LICENSE TO USE COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND IDEAS.  You grant to Nike Team Sport a perpetual (or at least for the duration of the legal protection of the intellectual property rights/image rights which may lie in the comments, feedback and ideas), worldwide license to use all comments, feedback and ideas you may share with us, without notice, compensation or acknowledgement to you, for any purposes whatsoever, including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products and services and creating, modifying or improving products and services.”


Section 5 (COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT): the second paragraph in this section is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

“If you believe that your work has been improperly copied to the Platform, such that it constitutes infringement, please provide us with the following information:

(1) date of the notification;

(2) if the claimant is a natural person: name, surname, profession, address, nationality, place and date of birth;

(3) if the claimant is a legal person: name, form, registered office and the entity representing it for legal purposes;

(4) name and address of the recipient, or if a legal person, its name and registered office;

(5) a description of the facts at issue and the precise location;

(6) the grounds on which the content should be withdrawn, including relevant legal provisions and justification of facts; and

(7) a copy of the correspondence sent to the author or editor of the litigious information or activity requesting their interruption, withdrawal or modification or an explanation that the author or editor could not be contact.”

Section 9 (INDEMNIFICATION/LIABILITY): this section is modified as follows:

The sub-section titled “Indemnification and Release” is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

“Indemnification. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Zelus Sport BV, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors and suppliers and Nike Inc., its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors and suppliers (the “Nike Team Sport Parties”) from and against all claims, losses, liabilities, expenses, damages and costs, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, arising from or relating in any way to your User Content, your use of Content, your use of the Platform, your conduct in connection with the Platform or with other Platform users, or any violation of these Terms of Use, any law or the rights of any third party.”

The sub-section titled “LIMITATION OF LIABILITY” is deleted in its entirety.

Section 10 (DISPUTES/ADDITIONAL TERMS): the sub-section titled “CHOICE OF LAW/JURISDICTION” is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

 “Choice of Law/Jurisdiction

Nothing in this paragraph shall deprive you of the protection afforded to consumers by the mandatory rules of law of the country in which you live.

  • You agree that the Platform, Terms, and any dispute between you and Nike Team Sport shall be governed in all respects by Dutch law, without regard to the choice of law provisions, and not by the 1980 U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
  • Except where prohibited and without limitation to any statutory rights for consumers, you agree that all disputes, claims and legal proceedings directly or indirectly arising out of or relating to the Platform (including but not limited to the purchase of any products on the Platform) shall be resolved and exclusively in the competent courts of the Netherlands.
  • If you have a complaint, please contact us. If you feel your complaint is not adequately addressed you can – but are not obliged to – use the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform that you can access through In addition, you have the right to initiate a mediation procedure by contacting the mediator (s) as follows: Association des médiateurs européens (197, Boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 PARIS, téléphone: 09 53 01 02 69), The mediator(s) will attempt to, independently and impartially, reach an amicable resolution of the dispute.  In case of mediation, each party is free to accept or reject the solution proposed by the mediator.”


Section 7 (IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS): this section is modified as follows:

The third bullet point in the summary box is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

“Nike Team Sport is not responsible for any damage (except liability for Nike Team Sport’s willful and gross negligent acts and Nike Team Sport’s personal injuries) caused by your interactions with other users. Please be responsible and take precautions when interacting with people you don’t know.”

The sub- section titled “WARRANTY DISCLAIMER”, including all of the bullet points therein, is deleted in its entirety.

Section 9 (INDEMNIFICATION/LIMITATION OF LIABILITY): this section is modified as follows:

The sub-section titled “INDEMNIFICATION AND RELEASE” is deleted in its entirety.

The sub-section titled “LIMITATION OF LIABILITY” is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

“LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Any liability of Nike Team Sport and its affiliates, and their officers, directors, shareholders, employees and agents (the “Released Parties”) is limited to cases of intent or gross negligence. In cases of slight negligence the Released Parties are only liable if an essential contractual duty, whose violation endangers the purpose of the contract or whose performance is required to achieve this purpose and in whose performance the consumer trusts (so called “cardinal duties”) has been violated. In this case, the liability is limited to damages that are typical and foreseeable. This limitation of liability does not apply to claims under product liability law and in the case of bodily harm or death.”

Section 10 (DISPUTES/ADDITIONAL TERMS): this section is replaced with the version for European Countries above, except the following is added at the end:

“All claims shall be brought within two (2) years after the claim arises.”


Introductory Paragraphs: The second bullet point in the first section above titled “Terms of Sale” is amended by adding the following:

"These Terms constitute an implied agreement between you and Nike Team Sport, unless otherwise meeting the requirements of written agreements under Hungarian Law."


Section 7 (IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS): this section is modified as follows:

The sub-section titled “USER INTERACTIONS” is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

“USER INTERACTIONS.  We are not responsible for your interactions with other users of the Platform or any damage or harm you may experience because of these interactions, except in the event of fraud or gross negligence by Nike Team Sport.

Be responsible and take precautions when interacting with other users (including users you do not know) on the Platform. Before you meet another person face-to-face, consider investigating, bringing a friend, choosing public locations and letting someone know where you will be. Nike Team Sport is under no obligation to become involved with any user dispute (but may do so at its own discretion) except in the event of fraud or gross negligence by Nike Team Sport.”

Section 10 (DISPUTES/ADDITIONAL TERMS): the sub-section titled “CHOICE OF LAW/JURISDICTION” is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following (except the last bullet point regarding bringing claims, which remains unchanged):

“Choice of Law/Jurisdiction

  • You agree that the Platform, Terms, and any dispute between you and Nike Team Sport shall be governed in all respects by Dutch law, without regard to the choice of law provisions, and not by the 1980 U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, subject to any statutory provisions of applicable law which may apply regardless of any different choice of law.
  • Except where prohibited and without limitation to any statutory rights for consumers, you agree that all disputes, claims and legal proceedings directly or indirectly arising out of or relating to the Platform (including but not limited to the purchase of any products on the Platform) shall be resolved and exclusively in the court of the place where you are resident or domiciled.”


Section 10 (DISPUTES/ADDITIONAL TERMS):  the sub-section titled “CHOICE OF LAW/JURISDICTION” is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following (except the last bullet point regarding bringing claims, which remains unchanged):

 “Choice of Law/Jurisdiction

  • The Platform, Terms, and any dispute between you and Nike Team Sport shall be governed in all respects by Polish law.
  • All disputes, claims and legal proceedings directly or indirectly arising out of or relating to the Platform (including but not limited to the purchase of any products on the Platform) shall be resolved and exclusively in the competent courts under applicable law.”


Section 10 (DISPUTES/ADDITIONAL TERMS): the sub- section titled “CHOICE OF LAW/JURISDICTION” is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following (except the last bullet point regarding bringing claims, which remains unchanged):


  • You agree that the Platform, Terms, and any dispute between you and Nike Team Sport shall be governed in all respects by the substantive laws of Switzerland, without regard to any international conflict of law provisions, and to the exclusion of the 1980 U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
  • You agree that all disputes arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the Platform and these Terms of Use, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of the city of Zurich, Switzerland.”